Step by Step with Kahnouj without Plastic Campaign

The 4th program of Honorable Sweepers Plan of Kahnouj was held on November 4th 2019 with the participation of 80 citizens of the city.
Participants in the program includes Shobad power plant’s staff, Municipal’s staff, Environmental Protection Agency staff, Kalmarz Wildlife Support NGO, Shobad mountaineering group, Dadvar school students, Residents and business owners and Police Force and they were cleared area from Shahed Square to Justice Building. Most of wastes was plastic bags, that created an inappropriate view of the city, which was completely cleared.
The project, which is held monthly by the MahTaab Sazan IranianCharity Foundation under the campaign of #Kahnouj_without_plastic, aims to clean the environment from plastics and other sustainable waste and create a proper landscape.