This website has rules and regulations for use by users of the site, which users are not authorized to edit, and in order to use the site, they must agree to all of these conditions and points mentioned.
Changes and changes in the terms and conditions of using the site
The services and content of the Mah Taab Group site are provided solely to inform users. No real person, legal or site can, at any time, use the information on this site to sell, reproduce, or create traffic on your site. Use of the contents of the Mah Taab Group site for personalized websites and blogs only if it is not intended to be commercially viable and is authorized by the source or address of the site.
Links to other sites
The contents of the Mah Taab Group site may include links to other sites. The Mah Taab Group has provided these links for ease of use for users, and the existence of any of these links does not mean verification or communication with their administrators. These sites are under the control of the Mah Taab Group and have no responsibility for the content of these sites, including links and photos. Users agree to be liable for any damage and damage to their computer through a virus or other malicious files that may result from the receipt and use of data and files belonging to linked sites in the Mah Taab Group, Will be responsible.
Non-use illegitimate or prohibited
Dear users, the site of the Mah Taab Group assures that they will not use the contents of this site to reach any purpose that is in violation of the applicable laws or terms of use of the site. They will not use the Mah Taab Group site to cause damage, disablement or damage to the site. Users are also not permitted to access or attempt to access information or content intentionally unavailable to their contacts and not provided through pages of the site.
The Mah Taab Group website is under no circumstances responsible for delaying or failing to operate the site, which may be due to natural factors, manpower, Internet problems, hardware failure, communications, etc.