Shobad Combined Cycle Power Plant Inaugurated
Shobad Combined Cycle Power Plant Inaugurated by the vice president of IR Iran. In the final day of his two-day trip to Kerman province, Ishaq Jaha...
Shobad Combined Cycle Power Plant Inaugurated by the vice president of IR Iran. In the final day of his two-day trip to Kerman province, Ishaq Jaha...
MPs of Iran Parliament visited Rudshur power plant on October 27, 2016. During this visit, the problems facing private sector projects and the improv...
The contract for the construction of a 61.2 MW wind farm was signed between Arian Mah Baad as an investor and Safa Niku as an EPC subcontractor, atten...
Rudshur power plant was recognized as green industry in Iran. At a ceremony held in the Environment Organization of Iran, an appreciation plaque and t...
The Persian Gazelle III Solar Vehicle was honored with the support of the Mah Taab Group at World Solar Challenge in Australia. The research and ex...
According to Public Relations of Rudshur power plant, on July25, 2011, Minister of Electricity of Iraq, Mr. Raad Shalal, visited the Rudshur power pla...
Mr. Namjou, Minister of Energy visited Rudshur Power Plant along with his Deputy Mr. Behzad. The visit which was held on June 28, 2011, was accompanie...
Rudshur power plant is the first private power plant in Iran, based on the ability and experience of Iranian experts. The first phase of the power pl...