Rudshur power plant, the Most Award Power Plant in the Country

Rudshur power plant, the Most Award Power Plant in the Country

According to the announcement of the country’s environmental organization, Rudshor power plant was selected as a “green industry” in 2019.
In this regard, the certificate of appreciation of the green industrial unit as well as the “Simin Sanat Sabz Statue” was handed over to the representative of Rudeshwar Power Plant and Rudeshur Power Plant won this title for the fourth time.

It should be mentioned that the industrial units that comply with the environmental rules and regulations are monitored as green industry and after the review, they are selected. Some selection criteria for these units are as follows:

– Have effective measures in the field of reducing pollution (water, air, waste disposal) and reducing resource consumption (water, electricity, fuel, etc.).
– The unit should not be considered as part of polluting industries.
– Effective measures regarding culture building and education have been carried out by the unit.