Fishes Enter to Shahr Bijar Hydro Power Plant
Giant fish statues were installed in the turbine hall of the Shahr Bijar Hydro Power Plant. Creating visual and attractive relaxation for employees...
Giant fish statues were installed in the turbine hall of the Shahr Bijar Hydro Power Plant. Creating visual and attractive relaxation for employees...
We are celebrating Shobad Energy Park's one-year anniversary as we have the honor of hosting "9102" students. Energy Park was inaugurated on Novemb...
The 4th program of Honorable Sweepers Plan of Kahnouj was held on November 4th 2019 with the participation of 80 citizens of the city. Participants...
Sabz MahAab Energies Development Company won the award for the top renewable energy producer (Hydro-power) in the first National Renewable Energy Awar...
On the road to #Kahnouj_without_plastic, the third Honorable Sweepers program was launched on 2019 September 18. The program invited citizens, offi...
The statue of the Blue Whale was installed in the gas turbine hall of the Rudshur Power Plant with the aim of blending art with the industrial environ...
The second gathering of MahTaab Group’s technical managers was held with the participation of Rudshur, Shobad, Caspian, Kahnouj, Siahpoush, Sarakhs, N...
The Annual General Assembly Meeting of Arian Mah Taab Gostar company was held at 10 AM on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 in Caspian Power Plant, with the par...